Our History

Pau Maui Vodka, from Hali’imaile Distilling Company, is set apart from the rest by starting with local ingredients and distilling in small batches, using unique stills. Every part of the distilling process is one of a kind and designed in house. The process is unique because we can achieve purity in one distillation by using fourteen-foot columns made from one hundred percent pharmaceutical grade glass stills.
Crisp and Clean
Pau Maui Vodka is the only Vodka in the world made with Maui Gold Pineapples. Why start with Maui Gold Pineapples? Production for Pau Maui Vodka happens in the middle of Hawaiian pineapple fields that have been harvested for over a century with access to the best pineapple in the world. The extra sweet Maui Gold Pineapple is perfect for fermentation due to its high sugar content. Even though pineapples are used for fermentation in Pau Mau Vodka, there is no pineapple taste, instead we are left with a very clean and crisp premium vodka. Pineapples in Maui have the benefit of warm sunny days, cool nights, fresh water, and volcanic soil, allowing for clean fruit. Hawaiian pineapples take 18 months to grow but are only ripe in the field for 2-3 days. It is essential that pineapples are picked at the perfect time because pineapples will not continue to ripen once they are harvested. We only use pineapples that are picked at the optimal stage of ripeness to give Pau Maui Vodka the clean and refreshing finish for which it has become known.
Kindly Crafted
Our pristine surroundings give us access to clean air, pure water, exquisite agriculture, and a wonderful community which allows us to produce ultra-premium spirits like Pau Maui Vodka. We are fully emersed in the Hawaiian landscape and culture. Coming from an island with superb but limited resources, we are sensitive to the problems of pollution and the importance of living an earth-friendly life. Pau Maui Vodka is making waves in the craft-spirits world with brand ideals that support the environment and a sustainable lifestyle. We are striving toward a zero-carbon footprint and Pau is a plant-forward product using pineapples from our surrounding environment. Our production is crafted from seed to bottle.
Pau Maui Vodka is an authentic expression of aloha, encompassing the gratitude for Maui’s agriculture, passion for the Hawaiian Islands and strong love of its people. Our Master Distillers feel that Pau represents the Hawaiian culture by “preserv(ing) the Maui pineapple industry and giv(ing) consumers a way to enjoy a little Aloha anywhere they may be.” You do not have to be in the Hawaiian Islands to experience Aloha. No matter where you are when you enjoy Pau Maui Vodka, you are giving a cheers to everything Aloha stands for: love, affection, peace, compassion, mercy.
Visit our craft distillery: www.haliimailedistilling.com
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Coming from an island with superb but limited resources, we are sensitive to the problems of pollution and the importance of living an earth-friendly life. PAU Maui Vodka is making waves in the craft-spirits world with brand ideals that support the environment and a sustainable lifestyle.
Here are some of our ongoing efforts. Follow us on social media for the latest events and campaigns, or contact us to inquire about our support in your sustainable efforts.
Fight Plastic Pollution:
PAU Maui Vodka is joining a growing global coalition of organizations and businesses that are working toward a plastic-free planet. Plastic is a synthetic material the earth cannot digest and its toxins are overwhelming humans, animals, oceans, and habitats. Small steps like avoiding all one-use plastics and switching to compostable or reusable straws are just some of the ways PAU Maui Vodka is educating ourselves and our fans in daily ways we can make an impact.
Event Support:
PAU Maui Vodka is a supporter of companies and initiatives that share our ideals. We annually sponsor a variety of events such as surfing competitions and offshore sailing races, supporting athletes who share our affinity for the ocean and experience first-hand the pollution that endangers it.
Area Cleanups:
From beach cleanups to park and trail garbage pickup “parties”, we support community efforts to better the environments. Not only do these areas get a temporary makeover, but awareness is brought to an often-overlooked problem. Our goal is that new habits are fostered by the participants to keep their environment and the planet clean.